Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I wrote my first last-minute assignment on Sunday. I hate doing that. I write such crap that way. But it was in two minutes before my deadline, and it only had to be a rough draft. It was certainly rough.

All this working on a laptop in my bed has destroyed my back, neck, and hips. I wish I had a modular body that I could construct as I needed it. My legs really get in the way sometimes.

I'm having trouble with my news section. My very experienced news editor and copy editor both want a simple telling of facts: Here's what happened, here's what the people involved have to say about it, here's what people in the community have to say about it. No interpretation or analysis allowed because that would be biased editorializing. I just don't agree. But I also am unsure how much "biased editorializing" is OK in a news article. I think it's OK to consider possible ramifications of an event or situation. I think it's OK to be descriptive, even though that means making a judgment. I am expected to make judgments simply to determine what is news we're interested in printing and what is isn't, for cryin' out loud. It's my ability to make good judgments that got me this job. Well, that and the fact that only one other person applied for it....

Kelsey is reading a book about mountain gorillas. It says a gorilla eats shoots, stalks, and leaves. I really want to play with that one.


Sleepydumpling said...

A picture for Kelsey...

I have video too but YouTube is down for maintenance at the moment.

Amy said...

Kath, the link is cut off! What comes after the "i" in dumpling?

I'm so excited you're coming!

laurie said...

you have to find some common ground between what your news editor is asking for and what your instincts tell you.

that straightforward just the facts style is death. it's boring. readers are more sophisticated now.

description is good, when appropriate, as is anything that can bring the story to life. but you still have to tell it objectively. there isn't room in news for opinion. but there's always room for a story well-told...